Your Kalispell Chamber Invites you to the Table!

Chambers of Commerce are our nation’s strongest business advocates, providing a voice for thousands of communities across America. When business succeed, communities succeed, and state and local Chambers are there every step of the way, empowering businesses to grow and thrive amid even the most challenging circumstances.
The Kalispell Chamber is Venturing Boldy and is Future Ready on this “Support your Local Chamber Day”, October 19th, 2022.
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is governed by a board of directors elected to oversee and set the vision for the organization to address our members’ challenges and to promote a positive economic business climate. Our voluntary members know that by working together, the community and their businesses will be stronger.
Successful Chambers must evolve based on their members’ challenges and needs. The make-up of our voluntary membership changes, as does the local economy. Your Kalispell Chamber has 750 members at this time and is the largest it has ever been in its 118-year history. We are a private organization – not a government entity, not funded with government resources. We are strong. We are focused. We are innovating solutions for our members and community.
Workforce, child care, housing, smart and intentional growth, are our top priorities and where we direct our finite and limited resources to make an impact. With community engagement and partners, we have made some significant progress in 2022 with much more work to do. We are committed to growing and diversifying our local economy with high family-wage jobs. Our Manufacturing Alliance 2.0 is tackling issues to ensure a strong sector with growing employment over the next years. Setting the stage for good jobs with careers to keep the youth of our community here at home and thriving as they grow young families is a priority.
Tourism remains a vital economic sector in the Valley and we are working with intention to balance sustainable tourism and be a destination stewardship organization. Our small businesses are reliant on our visitors – as are our residents. We would not have the amazing variety of local retail merchants, restaurants, breweries, distilleries, production talent, and so much more without our vibrant tourism sector. Maintaining the pristine landscape, we are so privileged to live in is of utmost importance.
By joining the Discover Kalispell Chamber, you are a part of driving these conversations and solutions that will keep Kalispell and the Flathead vibrant and healthy. You also meet like-minded community leaders through our events and educational opportunities. You grow a network of professional, community-minded business leaders that recognize that the business is the key to a thriving community – it all starts here.
Join our table! We’d love to have you. Be a part of defining the future of this magical community.
Lorraine Clarno, ACE
CEO, Kalispell Chamber of Commerce